27/12/2013 - December Daily Review

27 December, 2013 - Of course, the very very sexy


Today, the asset value of the oil


And are increasing in the hope of a strong data from the U.S. ceasing nice place to start. The first day of the week , some fell by the cause of the jobless have been said as far as the S and PD, and the Dow Jones record highs . S & PD smoothed 0.47 % 0.75% closed above the unDow Jones. Tree and Asia . Nikkei closed 0.03 % higher manufacturing grew by 4 % , and lived in China shares gained pēcsmaile interbank loan rates . Hang Seng Composite finished 0.27% % higher superior unShanghai concluded 1:36 . Part of Europe , they were opened, so that when no reliable figures the holidays.


Was raised up from the uttermost part of the data in the two months kuow certain things work. The economy is in proof of which is greater than the demand for oil, we shall see, and as a consequence , to the rise of prices up. Are in the stocks, 16:00 GMT crude oil released in the latter day , if he could see the bears witness of the oil drop of water. Yesterday the gold rose slightly to exact payment , out of the body, driven by the price. Of course, the compulsion of joFederālo pieaugumucena Reserve announced that it will introduce a stricter one , as the very need of care, in any place.


Today's key events :


16:00 GMT : USD - crude oil - the change in the number of weeks of commercial crude oil barrels from U.S. firms. So far the stocks affected by oil prices , inflation, which attain .