12/05/2014 - May Daily Review

May 12 , 2014 - Daily Market News


Today 's Hot Property : USD , Gold


New week started small and Euro recovered from the injury after a strong point . However, according to Bloomberg we can see that 74 % of international investors see serious economic Europe . This may drive the Euro -depth and perhaps break today and support . There will be two presentations of members Eurooga which may give us leads from Dufcadan future Eurooga . Commodities started without high volatility . Fake oil may increase as the crisis in Ukraine escalates . I could see the movement on Gold where we must keep an eye on $ 1,295 / ounce resistance .


The market started the week in mixed mood . Japanese Blitzter slightly down by -0.35 % , however Hang Sang Index added +1.82 % . Stock in Europe were mixed and either . Entry and Canary slightly from ( 0.20 % ) , but the CAC -0.17 % agitated . Russian stocks , despite the political crisis in my hands than you . Gazprom has kirsiga on its maximum of one month . Omar.a.abdi of Russia is slightly decreasing . We are waiting for games to come , but future American Konare , far added about 0.50 % .


Today 's Main Events :


07.15 GMT : Sales CHF - Retail - measuring changes in the total value of sales of inflation - retail level adjustment . It is the foremost indicator used , which accounts for the majority of overall economic activity .


18:00 GMT : USD - Federal Budget Balance - measures the difference between the price gap between revenues and spending of the federal government in the month reported .