TOOLS TRADES - TOOLS TRADES Trading signals service - stay up to date with all the latest news and developments from the world of global finance and investments. This platform provides with amazing trading signals for free. Every day amazing trading signals results. Tools trades will provide you with basics. 2024-05-03T22:20:13+00:00 ToolsTrades 11.05 - oil retreats, European markets recovering 2018-05-11T08:59:46+00:00 2018-05-11T08:59:46+00:00,-european-markets-recovering Anna K. <p>With Hong Kong GDP data in, experts can’t wrap their minds where the index will go next. Also, Tesla shares are under pressure again – is there a recovery in sight? <p>With Hong Kong GDP data in, experts can’t wrap their minds where the index will go next. Also, Tesla shares are under pressure again – is there a recovery in sight? 19.04 - new prices for oil are startling investors 2018-04-19T09:25:45+00:00 2018-04-19T09:25:45+00:00 Anna K. <p>Asian and European markets are showing good numbers as well as metals market but the biggest winner of the day is now oil. “Black gold” has breached new heights in almost three years and the numbers are bringing a lot of joy to the investors. In the meantime SpaceX is trying to take on a lot of projects hoping to attract more investors.</p> <p>Asian and European markets are showing good numbers as well as metals market but the biggest winner of the day is now oil. “Black gold” has breached new heights in almost three years and the numbers are bringing a lot of joy to the investors. In the meantime SpaceX is trying to take on a lot of projects hoping to attract more investors.</p> Reasons behind the falls and growth of the assets' prices 2019-03-21T10:45:52+00:00 2019-03-21T10:45:52+00:00 Anna K.